Who We Are

Our work is driven and supported by a team of professionals and experts dedicated to our mission of service and advocacy.

  • Dr. Niaz Kasravi


    Dr. Niaz Kasravi is a national expert and advocate on criminal justice, social justice, and racial justice, with 19 years of experience leading campaigns across the country - including on police accountability, racial profiling, and death penalty abolition. Dr. Kasravi is the Founder & Director of the Avalan Institute – a research, advocacy & training institute. She previously served as Director of the Criminal Justice Program at the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), and Associate for the Domestic Human Rights Program of Amnesty International USA. Dr. Kasravi holds a Ph.D. in Criminology, Law and Society from the University of California, Irvine. In 2000, via a National Science Foundation grant, she traveled to Iran to work with Nobel Peace Prize laureate Shirin Ebadi on women’s rights and justice reform in that country.

  • Berklee Donavan


    Berklee Donavan is holds a Master’s in Social Work with a focus on Social Change and Innovation from the University of Southern California. Berklee has worked for Victim’s Services at the San Francisco District Attorney’s office, prisoner rehabilitation programs offered in San Quentin State Prison, and community organizations teaching cognitive behavioral therapy curricula to the justice-involved community. She strives to work in many areas of the justice system in order to understand its complexities with the hope that she can create long-lasting, positive changes to this broken system.

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